Aquaponics Fish Tank Depth

(i) fish pond/tank: area required for construction of the fish pond/tank is 80 m2; diameter of the circular tank is 7.2 m, having a volume of 60 m3 (60,000 litre), with effective water depth of 1.68 m and maximum depth of 2.13 m (centre of the pond/tank). the system is designed to handle more than 50 fish/m3 (total 3000 fish). details of design. In aquaponics, happy fish equals to healthy plants. and since we are at this topic; always make sure your growbed is not less than one foot in depth (if you’re using a media-filled growbed), and your fish tank no less than two feet deep. studies have shown these dimensions to be of the optimum depth for an ideal home aquaponic design..

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Aquaponics Fish Tank Depth Aquaponics Fish Tank Depth Reviewed by nahaa on 01.30 Rating: 5

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