Aquaponics Good Bacteria
The five most important factors for good nitrification are: high surface area media for bacteria to grow and colonize; ph (6-7); water temperature (17-34 °c); do (4-8 mg/litre); cover from direct exposure to sunlight. system cycling is the initial process of building a nitrifying bacteria colony in a new aquaponic unit.. The best way to get your system quickly established is to use water from another aquaponics system where the bacterial colony is already established. some people add a little urea or even a dead fish or a few prawns (shrimp) into the tank to start the decomposition process. a little urine can also be used to start the system cycling.. Bacteria are slower to perform below about 60o f and over 80o f. if you are starting up again for the summer, if you did a “deep clean”, you are introducing new fish into the system, or you just need to boost bacteria concentrations overall, it’s a good idea to purchase some nitrifying bacteria to keep the fish safe..
The bacteria in an aquaponic system are housed on a biofilter, which is a fancy name for anything that has a large amount of surface area relative to volume for the bacteria to colonize. there are many materials that aquaponic growers use as biofilters, including volcanic gravel, expanded clay, commercial plastic biofilter balls, bottle caps. Introduction • food safety is a concern – little is known about foodborne diseases in aquaponics systems • foodborne diseases – annually responsible for 76 million illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations, and 5,000 deaths – result in $10 - $83 billion in pain and suffering, reduced productivity, and medical costs annually • specific concern with aquaponics. This video is about preventing bad bacteria in your aquaponic farm. music-
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