Aquaponics Winter Freeze
Winter season can be a problem for many aquaponic growers, especially those who have outdoor setups. and if you live in an area that experiences multi-seasonal frigid temperatures, pursuing an outdoor aquaponics project may be problematic if you don’t plan ahead. thus, selecting the best fish – particularly those that can thrive in the cold. This balance avoids freezing in pipes and the pump, prevents the bacteria from going dormant, and keeps the water in the highly insulated and sealed tanks most of the time. the aquaponics. I live in northern virginia, so when it starts to freeze outside, i move my fish to my winter garage aquaponics system. i can do 3 rafts which is about 90 lettuce plants. i don't heat the garage and it stays above freezing because some heat escapes from my house. the reflective mylar foil sheets re.
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